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It might be a familiar women's wellness staple – but did you know folic acid is a must for men too? There’s so much more to vitamin B9, from tackling fatigue to supporting a happy heart
More than a third of men over 50 experience symptoms of prostate problems, but making simple changes to your lifestyle can help support your prostate health now and into the future
Your body is naturally built to gain muscle, but lifting hard isn’t the only consideration as you age. If your progress has been stalling, clue up on these smart training tips from a qualified PT
Hot flushes are usually associated with women, but did you know men can get them too? Find out why and how to manage them
Men’s sex hormones, like testosterone, can start to decline as they get older. But why is this and what should you know?
Multivitamins are a great way to take care of your health. But what are our favourite multivitamins for men?
Thrush is commonly associated with women, but did you know that men can suffer from oral thrush? We look at symptoms, cause, treatment and prevention.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for everybody – but getting enough zinc is especially important for men. Find out more about the different benefits for men here.
Beards have become a popular trend - largely down to the growing popularity of the 'hipster' look. Here's everything you need to know about growing a beard
Beard oil can help make sure you beard is in tip top condition. We look at how to apply and 5 benefits of including it in your daily routine.
Getting up to pee in the night? You could have an enlarged prostate. Discover saw palmetto, the traditional herbal remedy that could shrink your prostate.
3 in 10 men will develop prostate cancer. Could the nutrients that pumpkin seeds are rich in support good prostate health?