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Are you wondering what’s the health benefit of moringa tea? Could it really be the new matcha? Does it have what it takes to rival turmeric on the inflammation-fighting front? Read on to find out why you might be tempted to sprinkle a pinch of moringa powder into your morning smoothie.
Moringa goes by many names. You might have heard it called a drumstick tree, horseradish tree or even a ben oil tree. Its full name is moringa oleifera, but you’ll most commonly hear it referred to as ‘moringa’.
Moringa is a plant that’s native to North India. Most of the plant is edible, although it’s the leaves that are usually considered most nutritious. We typically see moringa in powdered form or added to supplements. You can also buy moringa tea and dried (or fresh) moringa leaves at some health shops. Moringa oil is another alternative.
Of all the parts of the tree, the moringa leaf offers the most concentrated dose of vitamins and minerals. These leaves are usually crushed to make a powder which you can add to your smoothies, sprinkle into your energy bars or drink as moringa tea. The dried leaves are also available as dietary supplements, in powder or capsule form.
The seeds don’t offer the same density of nutrients as the leaves, and consequently don’t offer the full range of benefits of moringa. But the moringa seeds’ benefits shouldn’t be overlooked.
In particular, the seeds have a healthy oil content that can be extracted and used in many ways. For example, as a cooking oil it’s a source of monounsaturated fat (a heart-healthy variety), that also provides protein and a variety of other nutritional compounds. Alternatively, as an essential oil, it’s often found as a nourishing ingredient in hair and skincare products.
Nutrients aside, the beauty world also swears by moringa oil as a hair care product.
Well, for a start, did you know it provides seven times more vitamin C than oranges?1 And that’s just one of the impressive nutrient qualities of this plant. Moringa is often dubbed the world’s most useful tree, and it’s easy to see why.
Moringa includes:2
This varied catalogue of moringa nutrients is behind the diverse range of health benefits connected to the moringa plant – from supporting immunity to adding radiance to your skin.
What is moringa tea good for? And can a scoop of moringa powder really make a difference to your wellness? More research is needed to identify precisely how this plant can help with human health and wellbeing – a lot of the evidence at the moment is based on animal studies or is anecdotal.
However, the following 11 moringa benefits for health are good indications of the wellness potential of this plant.
Many superfoods standout because of high content of a single hero nutrient. This is not the case with moringa.
As well as being a plentiful source of vitamin C, it also gives you 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.3
Like many other superfoods, moringa also contains a plentiful supply of antioxidants.
In fact, one study detected a significant increase in the antioxidant levels in the blood of participants consuming 1½ teaspoons of moringa powder every day for three months.4
A diet rich in antioxidants helps to prevent cell damage caused by oxidative stress.
If you’re vegetarian, following a vegan diet or maybe you’re simply trying to eat less meat, moringa is a great source of plant-based protein.
And unlike other non-meat protein sources, (we’re thinking of lentils) it requires no cooking or preparation.
Like other dark leafy greens, moringa can provide support to the endocrine system, helping to regulate hormones.
For example, a 2014 study suggested the antioxidant properties in moringa (in this case when combined with amaranth) could help to prevent complications caused by hormonal changes in post-menopausal women.5
The moringa fruit possesses properties that could help reduce out-of-control inflammation. And although these inflammation-fighting claims are yet to be the subject of human trials, animal and test tube studies show positive potential.6
Handpicked content: A guide to natural anti-inflammatory sources
Moringa could contribute to healthy cardiovascular function by reducing elevated levels of cholesterol. For example, a 2007 study on rabbits indicated that moringa helped to lower cholesterol.7
There are many health risks associated with raised blood sugar. Research suggests the plant compounds in moringa could help to balance blood sugar levels.8
The polyphenols in moringa may be helpful in reversing oxidation in the liver.9 There are studies on rats that show promising prospects of the positive impact moringa on the recovery from liver damage.10,11
With fibre representing just over 30% of the nutritional make-up of moringa, it’s no surprise that it’s often consumed to help with digestion.12 Research also shows potential benefits in reducing disorders of the gut, such as colitis.13
Can moringa powder help you to lose weight? Animal studies suggest it can help with breaking down fats and reducing fat accumulation.14 However, whether these moringa weight loss effects translate to humans is yet to be scientifically investigated.
Moringa contains a good supply of three skin-nourishing ingredients. Vitamin A for collagen renewal. Vitamin C for radiance and fighting the signs of ageing. And vitamin E offers up a moisture injection and skin-clearing antioxidants.
Moringa has a mild, slightly bitter, flavour that complements sweet or savoury dishes.
If you’re keen to try out moringa health benefits for yourself, a powder is the most commonly available form of the plant. But you might be wondering how to use moringa powder? And did you know the dried leaves are also a great way to get a serving of moringa health benefits?
In general, it’s well-tolerated. However, there are known drug interactions and some circumstances when it’s not recommended.
You don’t need to consume much to get the benefits of moringa powder. Follow the instructions on your product for exact guidance. But generally, half a teaspoon per day is a good starting point.15
There’s no exact scientific recommendation and the quantity that’s right for you will vary according to your individual tolerance. But product guidance for one of our popular moringa powders suggests you can build your intake up gradually over time to 2-4 teaspoons maximum daily.16
Yes. But keep within the recommended dose for your product.
You may prefer it in your morning smoothie. Or perhaps sprinkled over a salad at lunch. It all depends on how you prefer to consume moringa and how it can best fit into your routine.
There are lots of ways to incorporate moringa into your diet.
The plant's oils and extracts have been used for centuries in herbal medicine. However, moringa health benefits are now attracting the wider attention of nutritionists and wellness enthusiasts. As a result, it’s become a common nutritional supplement that’s available in a variety of forms – from moringa powder to moringa tea.
Last updated: 27 May 2021