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Still a bit puzzled about ‘superfoods’? We’ve got you covered. Find out what they are, why they’re beneficial for your health plus 26 of the best, below.
The word usually describes a food, or indeed drink, that’s highly nutritious – from kale, beetroot and berries to nuts, green tea and salmon – although there’s no set legal definition.1
And when we say highly nutritious, we mean it’s a good source of things like protein, fibre, iron, copper, magnesium, antioxidants – all the good stuff! As well as this, they also contain natural plant molecules which have antioxidant properties.
Read on to find out the top 4 benefits of superfoods...
Superfoods contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Plant foods are notoriously rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, iron and more.
Your body needs a certain amount of these micronutrients to maintain a varied and balanced diet optimum health.2
Superfoods contain natural plant molecules which have powerful antioxidant or anti-inflammatory properties.
Antioxidants have been shown to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals, scavenging atoms that have been linked to the development of heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s among others.3
Often a superfood can promote health beyond simple nutrition.
For example, some superfoods, like oats, are wholegrains and have been shown to help reduce cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.4
As superfoods are mainly plant-based or considered natural, including more into your diet could help you lose weight and/or maintain a healthy weight.
Many experts say that with no legal definition of the word, the term is arbitrary and may mislead people into believing that a few foods will counteract an otherwise bad diet.
Some scientists are also concerned that the nutritional benefits may be over-sold: it can be tricky to prove scientifically how one single food impacts your health.5
There may be no such thing as a miracle food, but these plant foods can still make a valuable contribution to a healthy, balanced diet:
This fruit contains a host of nutrients, including fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and some B vitamins, plus calcium, potassium – needed for the nervous system and muscle health – and iron, for red blood cells.6,7
It also contains 3 times as many antioxidants as green tea.8
A 2012 randomised placebo-controlled study by Sheffield Hallam University showed that drinking 330ml of pomegranate juice every day could lower blood pressure in healthy, middle-aged people.9
The nutritional value of one pomegranate is10
Calories | 234kcal |
Protein | 4.71g |
Fat | 3.3g |
Carbohydrate | 52.7g |
Fibre | 11.3g |
Sugar | 36.8g |
This spice is a source of bioactive plant compounds called curcuminoids, shown to have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
A 2017 review by USA’s Central Michigan University found it can reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, and also has an anti-anxiety effect.11
The nutritional value of one tablespoon of turmeric is12
Calories | 29kcal |
Protein | 0.91g |
Fat | 0.3g |
Carbohydrate | 6.31g |
Fibre | 2.13g |
Sugar | 0.3g |
Handpicked content: 10 science backed turmeric benefits & uses
This famously bright blue-green algae species is an ancient plant that has inhabited the world for over 2.4 billion years.
Spirulina is considered a superfood due to its nutrient content, which includes vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iodine, and iron.
These nutrients can help support heart health, immune function, and spirulina’s antioxidant content can help protect against oxidative stress.
Spirulina is also a great source of protein, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus needed for good bone health the maintenance of normal bones; and also iron and magnesium essential for energy release and electrolyte balance.13,14
A 2014 study in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that taking 1g of spirulina per day for three months lowered overall cholesterol by almost 9% in people with raised levels of blood fats.15
It is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and grows in freshwater ponds under warm sunlight.
The nutritional value of one tablespoon of spirulina is16
Calories | 20kcal |
Protein | 4g |
Fat | 0.54g |
Carbohydrate | 1.67g |
Fibre | 0.25g |
Sugar | 0.21g |
This wholegrain isn’t just a great source of fibre.
It’s also higher in protein than most grains – it contains a good balance of essential amino acids – plus magnesium, B-vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc and vitamin E, both of which help protect cells from oxidative stress.17,18
It also contains antioxidants, including quercetin, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects.19
A 2004 study on people who ate quinoa instead of gluten-free breads and pastas experienced a drop in blood sugar, insulin and blood fat levels – factors important for heart health.20
The nutritional value in a cup of cooked quinoa21
Calories | 222kcal |
Protein | 8.14g |
Fat | 3.55g |
Carbohydrate | 39.4g |
Fibre | 5.18g |
Sugar | 1.61g |
Dark green, leafy vegetables are all superfoods, but many think kale wins the prize for its very high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K – needed for normal bone function and blood clotting.
It also contains vitamin B6, which is important for the normal functioning of both the nervous system and the immune system health.
Plus minerals iron, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium and magnesium.22,23
It’s also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients important for eye health.
A French 2006 population study showed that people with low levels of these nutrients in their eyes were at increased risk of sight-threatening diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.24
The nutritional value in a cup of kale25
Calories | 8kcal |
Protein | 0.6g |
Fat | 0.3g |
Carbohydrate | 0.9g |
Fibre | 0.85g |
Sugar | 0.17g |
As well as kale, other green leafy vegetables are often considered to have superfood status. Some of the most popular edible green leafy vegetables include:
They contain a variety of important micronutrients like calcium, folate, magnesium, iron, vitamin K and vitamin C, as well as a healthy serving of fibre.26
The antioxidants found in these foods have been shown to help:
Not everyone is going to love munching on some raw kale or other plain green leafy vegetables; try including them in stir-frys, curries, soups, salads, smoothies, pasta dishes and more.
The nutritional value in one cup of spinach28
Calories | 7kcal |
Protein | 0.85g |
Fat | 0.11g |
Carbohydrate | 1.1g |
Fibre | 0.66g |
Sugar | 0.12g |
Handpicked content: Healthy ways to cook & eat spinach
Nuts are one of the best sources of vegan fats and protein, with healthy fibre, vitamin and mineral to boot.
The likes of almonds, pistachios, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans and Brazil nuts not only taste divine, but they also contain all important antioxidants.
These anti-inflammatory compounds help protect the body from oxidative stress.
Nuts are also associated with good heart health, as they contain lots of healthy fats.29
Nutritional value in a serving of 23 almonds is30
Calories | 164kcal |
Protein | 6g |
Fat | 14g |
Carbohydrate | 6.1g |
Fibre | 3.5g |
Sugar | 1.2g |
Handpicked content: A - Z list of different types of nuts
Just like nuts, seeds are also often classed as a superfood due to their vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, healthy fat, fibre and protein content.
Some of the most popular seeds include:
Seeds can help support good heart health with all the healthy fats they contain.31
Nutritional value in one cup of sunflower seeds are32
Calories | 268kcal |
Protein | 8.8g |
Fat | 22.9g |
Carbohydrate | 11.1g |
Fibre | 5.11g |
Sugar | 1.26g |
Need some recipe inspo? If it’s flaxseeds you’re stuck on, try your hand at this flaxseed porridge recipe!
Juicy berries are a sweet way to get your fill of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fibre.
Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries and blackberries are particularly rich in antioxidants, which may help reduce oxidative stress in the body.
These superfoods are a great way to get some sweetness in your diet without resorting to refined sugars and unhealthy snacks.
Nutritional value in one cup of blueberries are33
Calories | 85kcal |
Protein | 1.1g |
Fat | 0.5g |
Carbohydrate | 21.8g |
Fibre | 3.6g |
Sugar | 14.9g |
Green tea is antioxidant rich and a source of caffeine, widely consumed for its superfood qualities.
This naturally good for you beverage is especially rich in an antioxidant called catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
The rich mix of EGCG and other polyphenols and phenolic acids are where green tea’s reported health benefits – like protecting the heart – come from.34
Nutritional value in one cup of green tea35
Calories | 2.4kcal |
Protein | 0.5g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 0g |
Fibre | 0g |
Sugar | 0g |
Legumes are a food group including the likes of beans, peas, lentils, alfalfa, chickpeas and peanuts (the great nut imposter!)
They are classed as superfoods as they contain lots of nutrients essential for good health. Legumes are particularly rich in B vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein.
Studies have shown that legumes may be able to help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as promote healthy weight maintenance due to their filling fibre content.36,37
Nutritional value in one cup of cooked lentils38
Calories | 230kcal |
Protein | 17.9g |
Fat | 0.75g |
Carbohydrate | 39.8g |
Fibre | 15.6g |
Sugar | 3.56g |
Seaweed is a collective name to describe nutrient-dense sea vegetables and is popular in Asian cuisine, and gaining popularity all over the world.
Each serving of seaweed packs in nutrients like folic acid, vitamin K, fibre and iodine.
It also differs to land vegetables and may contain different antioxidants, helping to reduce oxidative damage in cells.
Nutritional value in one cup of dried seaweed39
Calories | 45kcal |
Protein | 4.8g |
Fat | 0.6g |
Carbohydrate | 7.9g |
Fibre | 0.84g |
Sugar | 0.45g |
Kefir is a drink made from fermented milk that is rich in protein, B vitamins, calcium, potassium and probiotics.
It is quite similar to yoghurt, but typically contains more healthy probiotics and has a thinner consistency, which is why it is consumed as a drink.
The probiotic strains in kefir are largely responsible for its superfood status, and have been found to help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and improve digestion.40,41,42
You can find it in health food shops or make it by yourself if you’re feeling particularly adventurous – or want to avoid added sugar.
Nutritional value in one cup of kefir43
Calories | 127kcal |
Protein | 8.8g |
Fat | 2.3g |
Carbohydrate | 18.3g |
Fibre | 0g |
Sugar | 16.9g |
Kefir isn’t the only probiotic on the block with superfood properties, you can also get a good dose of healthy bacteria from the following food and drinks:
It is advised that you consume a variety of probiotics in your daily diet for the fibre, antioxidants and healthy bacteria they contain.
Nutritional value in 100ml of kombucha44
Calories | 17kcal |
Protein | 1.1g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 3g |
Fibre | n/a |
Sugar | 3g |
Handpicked content: 14 of the best probiotic foods and supplements
The Mediterranean diet is hailed as one of the healthiest ways to eat. One of the key components is olive oil – a natural oil extracted from the fruit of olive trees. It contains a lot of monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyphenolic compounds.
Consuming extra virgin olive oil in your diet provides you with healthy fats, as well as polyphenols.
However, refined (processed) olive oils won’t benefit you in the same way so make sure to buy some of the good stuff!45
Nutritional value in one tablespoon of olive oil46
Calories | 124kcal |
Protein | 0g |
Fat | 14g |
Carbohydrate | 0g |
Fibre | 0g |
Sugar | 0g |
Garlic not only tastes amazing, it also contains several nutrients that make it a superfood.
You will find vitamin C, manganese, selenium, fibre and vitamin B6, which could help support immune function and other health benefits.47
Nutritional value of one garlic clove48
Calories | 4.5kcal |
Protein | 0.2g |
Fat | 0.02g |
Carbohydrate | 0.1g |
Fibre | 0.06g |
Sugar | 0.03g |
Seafood contains an array of health-supporting nutrients like protein, healthy fats, potassium, selenium and B vitamins.
It is also one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to help reduce inflammation.
Nutritional value of 100g of seafood medley (scallops, shrimps, squid, mussels)49
Calories | 97kcal |
Protein | 17.7g |
Fat | 0.88g |
Carbohydrate | 2.65g |
Fibre | 0g |
Sugar | 0g |
Ginger has been used for centuries in cooking as well as a herbal remedy, originating in China.
The root of the flowering ginger plant is rich in antioxidants like gingerol, which is thought to be the source of reported ginger health benefits.
These claims include nausea management and easing the symptoms of some chronic inflammatory conditions.50,51,52
Try cooking curries with minced ginger or make yourself a ginger tea with hot water and chopped ginger – it can help ease nausea this way.
Nutritional value in ¼ cup of raw ginger53
Calories | 19kcal |
Protein | 0.4g |
Fat | 0.2g |
Carbohydrate | 4.2g |
Fibre | 0.5g |
Sugar | 0.4g |
You can get lots of different mushroom varieties nowadays, from standard button and portobello mushrooms to shiitake, chestnut, and oyster mushrooms – and they’re all pretty delicious!
Although each mushroom has a unique nutrient content, most contain potassium and vitamin A, as well as fibre and special antioxidants not found in most other foods.54
Their unique antioxidant-rich makeup can help to defend the body from oxidative stress.
Nutritional value in one cup of mushrooms56
Calories | 15kcal |
Protein | 2.2g |
Fat | 0.2g |
Carbohydrate | 2.3g |
Fibre | 0.7g |
Sugar | 1.4g |
Avocado is a fruit that is usually mistaken for a vegetable and used more like one too, e.g. in salads or spread on bread.
It earns its superfood status due to its nutrient content, which includes fibre, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats (monounsaturated fats).
Nutritional value of one avocado57
Calories | 240kcal |
Protein | 3g |
Fat | 22g |
Carbohydrate | 12.8g |
Fibre | 10g |
Sugar | 1g |
Acai berries come from the Brazilian rainforest and are a real tropical treat – especially when it comes to antioxidants!
They’re often referred to as the beauty berry because of their health benefits.
You can usually find it as acai powder, which has a uniquely delicious berry and chocolate flavour that goes great in smoothies.
They also contain healthy fats that are essential for good health.
One preliminary study found that eating acai berry pulp may reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol in people who are overweight.58
Nutritional value in 100g of acai berry puree59
Calories | 70kcal |
Protein | 1.75g |
Fat | 5.3g |
Carbohydrate | 5.3g |
Fibre | 5.3g |
Sugar | 0g |
Hemp isn’t just for making shopping bags and extracting CBD from; when consumed as a powder or supplement it can be considered a highly nutritious superfood.
A plant-based protein – hemp contains all 9 essential amino acids to support healthy muscles.
Add it to smoothies for a protein hit, as well as a mild nutty flavour.
Nutritional value in three tablespoons of hemp seeds60
Calories | 166kcal |
Protein | 9.5g |
Fat | 14.6g |
Carbohydrate | 2.6g |
Fibre | 1.2g |
Sugar | 0.45g |
Handpicked content: 15 easy ways to use shelled hemp
Chlorella is a type of single-celled microalgae that grows in fresh water.
It is full of nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron, which can help support muscle function, energy levels and immunity.
You will usually find it as a powder, which you can add to smoothies or other healthy concoctions.
Nutritional value in two teaspoons of chlorella powder61
Calories | 15kcal |
Protein | 3g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 2g |
Fibre | 0g |
Sugar | 0g |
Considered one of nature’s most prized plants, wheatgrass is an incredibly nutrient rich type of grass. Each blade is cut at what’s called the ‘jointing stage’, meaning that it has reached high enough levels of carbohydrates, amino acids and chlorophyll for it to reproduce.
It’s also a great source of protein, iron and vitamin A – which is why it has reached superfood status.
Nutritional value in a 3g serving of wheatgrass powder62
Calories | 15kcal |
Protein | 1g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 2g |
Fibre | 1g |
Sugar | 0g |
With all the benefits lying in its roots, the maca plant is now seen as a key contender in the superfood group.
This is because it’s naturally rich in a range of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, iron and zinc. But that’s not all. It’s also a good plant-based source of protein.
Nutritional value in a 7g serving of maca powder63
Calories | 25kcal |
Protein | 1g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 6g |
Fibre | 1g |
Sugar | 2g |
Give it a go with this vegan maca latte!
Move over cocoa powder, there’s a new chocolate ingredient in town – and it boasts many nutritional benefits. Cacao is super rich in a range of nutrients, including copper, magnesium, zinc and protein.
Not sure how to use it? Simply sprinkle it over your morning cereal, or add it to your smoothies for a superfood boost! Or, try these delicious cacao nib brownies for a mid-afternoon snack.
Nutritional value in a 5g serving of cacao powder64
Calories | 20kcal |
Protein | 1g |
Fat | 0.5g |
Carbohydrate | 3g |
Fibre | 2g |
Sugar | 0g |
And last up in our comprehensive list of superfoods, is manuka honey. Not sure how it differs from regular honey? Well, manuka has strong anti-microbial properties from MGO (Methylglyoxal).
But if you’re thinking of making the swap, be sure to do your research so that you’re getting the best quality honey, rather than a cheap imitation as these do not offer the same benefits.
Nutritional value in a 5g serving of manuka honey65
Calories | 15kcal |
Protein | 0g |
Fat | 0g |
Carbohydrate | 4g |
Fibre | n/a |
Sugar | 4g |
Not sure where to start? Try these tips to support your superfood intake:
Have a go at making these superfood smoothies at home to increase your nutrient intake for the day.
Want to include superfoods in your breakfast, but fancy a change from smoothies? Try these protein pancakes instead!
Craving a sweet treat? Why not make it a superfood version? Do just that with this pink superfood biscotti recipe.
Perfect if you’re craving a big bowl of soul food, this vegan burger nourish bowl will do just the trick.
It depends on the superfood in question and the person consuming it!
As with any food or supplement, you should always add it to your diet slowly to see how or if your body reacts to it.
Always check the labels of processed products like superfood powders and check with your doctor that you can take them if you are on medication.
However, as superfoods tend to be plant-based or largely natural, they should be safe for most people without allergies or other health issues.
Last updated: 3 May 2022