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Stay fit, strong, and healthy in your 60s and 70s by paying close attention to Vitamin D every day.
As we’re spending more time in our homes, a daily dose of Vitamin D has never been more important to help you and your family stay well.
As we get older, our need for Vitamin D increases.
This is partly because of health risks associated with ageing. It is also due to our body’s changing ability to produce and absorb vitamins and minerals. Knowledge is power, so find out how you can keep your own Vitamin D levels healthy.
This vitamin has numerous roles in the body.
Perhaps the most significant for the over 65s are bone health, muscle strength, and immune function.
As we age, our risk of fractures and brittle bone problems increases. And we are at higher risk of feeling the effects of picking up infections.
It makes sense to do everything we can to support our physical strength and health.
As we age, our bodies become less efficient at utilising Vitamin D and absorbing calcium.
And we could be suffering from liver or kidney problems which will affect how Vit D is processed.
A key factor in getting enough Vit D is how much time we spend outside in sunshine.
Some older people become more sedentary and housebound, or lose their independence.
Others feel the cold more and don’t like getting outside as they used to.
This can have a serious impact on how much time they spend in the sunshine.
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and density.
Older men and women need enough Vit D all year round to help guard against brittle bones and osteoporosis.
It can also support muscle strength and help prevent muscle wastage.
A healthy diet with oily fish, red meat, liver, and whole eggs will contribute to your Vit D intake.
Your best strategy for increasing you intake as you age is to get outside in the sunshine regularly.
However, it is sensible to be realistic about your lifestyle and activity levels.
Unless you spend a lot of time outside in sunny weather, take a daily Vitamin D3 supplement. This will give your body the support it needs.
Last updated: 10 June 2021